Sunday, September 13, 2009

Posers-No longer for me

This term is a favorite of my 14 year old son. A poser is simply someone who pretends to be something they know nothing about. For instance, a" mother" who pretends to obsess about cleanliness and germs yet one look at the kids and you know the real deal. The "father" who doesn't want to see the really inappropriate behaviors of his children and hasn't the balls to stand up to his wife to discipline them. The "husband" who bitches about his wife and kids whenever they aren't around. The "DIL" who puts on the happy family face when around the IL's and really hasn't had a genuine relationship with them since ...well never. Why must we be posers? Why do we put this burden on ourselves to be something we aren't? And most of all when someone no longer wants to be a poser must they be the bad guy? Seriously since when has living a genuine life been bad?
I used to be that person who had to smooth over family strife and play nice. Not so much anymore. If I get called on the carpet for admitting that I really don't prefer to spend time with my extended family then so be it! If I have nothing in common with them why should I? It isn't like they would really care if I fell off the face of the earth anyway. I have no need to write in code or make subtle accusations. I have tried to keep the good relations with my family and absolutely will no longer try. Here are some of the burning questions that need to be answered:

1. Why don't I visit? Well first of all there is nothing in NY that interests me and I have 6 very active kids who need me here as I run the house. Some of us pretend to run the house and put all of the work off on our husbands-that's not me. Where do you put 8 people? Not in a small ass house. Do I really want my kids picking up some really nasty bad behavior habits? No. Do my kids even want to spend time with their cousins-not really. Lastly is the fact that I really don't want to be where I am not welcome.

2. Are my kids normal? Yes as a matter of fact they are very normal. I see very little behaviors that would lead me to raise a red flag in them. I discipline them and nurture them. I do not coddle and ignore behaviors that are EXTREMELY inappropriate. I crack the whip and make them act their ages-plain and simple.

3. Am I a hypocrite? No. I simply speak my mind and call a spade a spade. My family is full of spades who prefer to see themselves as diamonds.

4. Who really deserves my time? My family living at 699 Gold Cup Dr. That's all the people who have earned it. As far as I can tell all that are outside these walls are posers who kiss ass to look good and really aren't genuine. The few exceptions live in PA and TX and they know who they are!
Ask me how I really feel.