Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Few of my Favorite Things

Okay I am not trying to jack Oprah's idea here but as a mom there are a few things I feel that most of us couldn't live without!
First let me say that this post is not for the young and motherless as you may start to feel bile rise into your throat as you read this. "Can life really be this pathetic after kids?" you will ask. "You have no idea" will be the answer! Before kids I would have had a cool list of things including Starbucks paper cup wraps or those neat little things that go over your high heel tips to prevent you from sinking into the ground at the outdoor party. Sorry but those days are gone so deal with it. I have.
So my first favorite thing is the ziploc bag. Now it doesn't have to be a particular brand, although the pricier brands are better in my opinion. This bag works wonders in so many different ways! Stank diaper in the car while traveling? Zip it. Vomit in the car? Zip it. Ice for a scraped knee? Temporary home for the goldfish won at the county fair? A place to store those ridiculously small toy parts that you will inevitably step on and curse at? ZIP IT!! I can only assume that this crafty, although not environmentally friendly, little critter was devised by a desperate mom but probably not.

My second is the cherry pitter! Oh now I really have your attention! Yes there is such a thing that I picked up in Bed Bath & Beyond. This would fit in the BEYOND category since it is far beyond anything that you would use in the bed or bath and is ridiculously indulgent. Anyway, this little device is so wonderful I cannot gush enough about it! I seriously hate dealing with cherries and the pit mess that the kids leave behind and fret about how to get cherries into fruit salad without leaving someone with a broken tooth or choking! Problem solved. Just put it in, press down, and the pit is poked out no problemo! Seriously a great little invention.

The last is coupons. Oh how I love my coupons! Not in the Kate Gosselin MUST USE A COUPON ON EVERYTHING OR DIE kind of way but just as game to save money. Why more people don't use these is beyond me! Just having learned how to "read" a coupon has made this even more fun but that is topic of my next post. Coupons are money in your wallet! A $1 Q(as we savvy couponers call them) is like a dollar in your hand! They even put them in the store hanging by the product for crying out loud! Attach them to the product even! They all but beg you to buy the damn product from them for less money. If you save $5 each week then in one year you can pocket over $250!!! That's a Coach purse ladies!