Monday, January 4, 2010

Betty Crocker 1961

After watching my new favorite movie I was inspired to take a long look through one of my favorite cookbooks-the Betty Crocker 1961 edition! Yes 1961 is older than me! You really need to see pics to appreciate it so tomorrow I will take some and finish this post. Let's just say that 1961 was a very different and simpler time that I for one would love to return to. Woman's lib was a conspiracy by men to get women to go to work and run the house! WTF?!!
Til tomorrow....

Okay here is the nearly 50 year old book I am referring to!
It is the be all and end all of finding out stuff on cooking. Simple cooking for the most part. That is not what lured me in though. Here are the photos that, as a kid, had me spellbound.
These are bonbons! You know the thing ladies sit around and eat all day? This is them.
The best part of this book is the opening advice. It states, and I quote, "Every morning before breakfast. comb hair, apply makeup and a dash of cologne. Does wonders for your morale and your family's too! Have a hobby. Garden, paint pictures, look through magazines for home planning ideas, read a good book or attend club meetings. Be interested and you will be interesting!"
See ladies? There was a simpler time when your goal was to keep your house and cook for your family. Where did that time go? Why did women go to work and then come home and do all that crap as well? I am here to tell you that I am happy to be a "homemaker" and it is NOT at all fulfilling and easy most days. If you want to feel better about it I suggest watching Brothers and Sisters. Nora summed it up this weekend when she said that she only needed to look at her kids to know that her life's work was worth something! Amen Nora!