Saturday, January 2, 2010

Julie and Julia

So here I sit in my comfy chair on a FREEZING day watching this movie. It occurs to me that as stupid as it seems this is quite a cute movie with purpose. I see Julie's ambition to achieve a simple daily task of cooking from a cookbook. Isn't this something we all strive for? Completing tasks? Not like making the bed or putting laundry away(which I should be doing). Just a simple task that means something to the doer! That is the purpose of my blog. I don't know or care who reads it but my goal, albeit a day late, for 2010 is to post SOMETHING daily!
We all do something like this I think. Facebook fanatics play on farmville, yoville, mafia wars...whatever daily. Makes you feel like you accomplished something.
Now of course comes the daunting task of trying to figure out what to write daily. It would be better for me to get off my ass and walk on my new treadmill when I have free time but that is a topic for another day I suppose. But anyway here's hoping for 363 great ideas to blog about for the rest of the year!
Til tomorrow!