Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I hate liars

Yes this another Jon and Kate post. Why not beat a dead horse, shall we? Kate must be distantly related to dear old JJ's dad as she has a penchant for lying. Add to that exaggerating, bullying, and denial.
I have DVR'd the recent shows and have some points to share. First of all she has spent so much time focusing on the bad behavior of Mady and the goodness of Cara that Mady is a freakin mess. The Globetrotter episode was so classic Mady. This is not fair, I hate that...blah blah blah. Well she is Kate after all. For all that saw that show you will notice that Jon has to justify to the camera the time he is spending on the computer at the advice of his insurance agent. Seriously? What could he possible need to look up that he can't get advice on from the guy? Porn sites is my guess. You go Jon! Anything on screen would be warmer than your wife. Oh and the gooshing kisses that Kate is placing on one of the boys...puleeze. Is that for the camera or what? She is so "look at me I'm a great mom" in public and a wretched banchee at home. Give it a rest Kate.
What else does Kate lie about....hmmmm...just about everything. Her whole demeaner is a fake. Does she really cook all those glorious meals? Doubtful. Hell she can't even make soup with kids in the house. When has she EVER done anything with the kids under foot come to think of it. Poor Jon is just another babysitter. She refuses to use a Nanny. Well that would make her look bad so Jon just got the job.
I know some people weren't happy with Jon for leaving her to plan the kids' party. Well that is just so freakin sad. When was the last time my DH helped with a b-day party? NEVER really. That ain't on his list and I handle it. She then dragged all of the kids to the party store to get decorations. Well first of all why didn't you just order the crap online and stay away from the public eye considering the shit going on? Oh, my bad. She needs to look like the martyr. Why wasn't Jon there? Easy. He didn't want to do a big huge party and she did. Can you see how that conversation went? Tough shit Jon. How all conversations go. I think I may try that for a few weeks and see how DH takes it.
Whether he cheated or not that marriage needed a wake-up call. They have different agendas. She wants all the fame, fortune, and perks. Who wouldn't? Seriously. If someone came to me tomorrow and said they wanted to pay me to capture all of our crazy shit on tape I would so take the $$. It would NOT be all happy organic and no lollipop life for sure. Hell my kids have potatoe chips for breakfast some days! Ummm how is that different than a freakin hashbrown? That's why God created vitamins afterall.
Sadly the show can and probably will go on without him. It might be good for people to see the mess that is divorce. Perhaps they would think twice about getting married and avoid disaster. It may be a learning experience for all of us. Only the poor kids are the ones that get hurt here. I would love to sit down with Kate's brother(who is now opening up all the juicy details) and get Kate's history of behavior. Was she really this nutty all the time or did motherhood push her over the edge? I know I am freakin crazy at times but I can't blame it on six kids or my DH.
That being said maybe all they need is Ford Focus to patch the marriage! Sorry couldn't help myself. Perhaps another child they can name Tristyn! Freakin losers.