Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The power of numbers...

Different numbers have different meanings in my life in strange ways. Take the number 6. Obviously the number of heads I must account for when we venture out so that I don't leave anyone behind! It is also the number of beds to be made since T currently shares ours. It is on average the number of pairs of M's shoes laying out of her cubby and not in, the number of gallons of koolaid we seem to go through in a week(made with Splenda of course), the number of seats in a full row on the airplane( but now life is messy because we spill over into a another row leaving 2 lucky flyers to have some semblance o f peace and quiet), it is also the number of eggs I boil at one time and are quickly scrafed down by little J&D who only eat the white, and it is the number of times per day I have to remind myself that little J is not inherently evil and put on this earth to vex me to no end!I WISH it were the number of meals I needed to fix each week, the number of loads of laundry we do each week, and the number of vacations we took each year! A girl can dream can't she?
Then there are other numbers that have meaning. 1 is the number of bears that jump out in front of cars, if it really even did happen, and the number of trailers burned and dirtbikes stolen. 4, maybe more, is the number of cars that spontaneously combust! Not sure how that happens but I hear global warming may have something to do with it. 5-6 is the number of years that one can get sentenced with for losing the dirtbike twice-oops.
No matter how you look at numbers they all have a strange meaning in your life. Just look really hard and you will see!