Sunday, May 24, 2009

McCain lost...get over it

It never ceases to amaze me the number of people who just can't get past the fact that Obama won. Personally I voted for him. Not only is he a history making president but he genuinely cares. That is not to say that McCain doesn't care. He just picked an idiot running mate. I said it once and I will say it again. If she can't run her own house she shouldn't be trying to run a country. Go home Sara! Your freakin daughter has a kid as the result of her bad judgement. And the father's many ways can you say WHITE TRASH? But I digress.
The economy sucks right now and so many people are struggling. Will throwing money at it help? Maybe, maybe not but what else can the President do? If he let this very predictable downturn run its course the nation would be screaming to impeach him. Things will pick up b/c they have to. It's a cycle. The housing market had such a huge bubble it would be impossible to think it would not burst at some point. We live in one of those great big upside down mortgage houses but we made this bed and are dealing with it. What else is there to do?
What people need to do now is ask themselves what they can do. Maybe they need to change careers. Perhaps they need to move to an area that offers more in the way of diverse employment. Gone are the days when a small industry can run a town. I think we have learned that the hard way. Does it suck? Sure does. I have a really great friend whose DH has been unemployed since December. Is there a chance his job will reappear? Not really. So what does my beloved friend do? There are only 2 options. Find different work or move. Now I would LOVE for her to move near me of course but that would be hard since she is near her family. Her DH can continue to pick up work where he can but there is larger picture here. You need to consider health insurance, retirement, and security. Those are also things that have been hacked away at by the downturn. Some super hard decisions need to be made by people all over America. There are jobs and fields that remain relatively unaffected. I think many of them used to be those required college but some of them don't. Companies like Wal-Mart flourish in these times since they offer the lowest prices around. I hate Wal-Mart in my town since I am neither a NASCAR or tattoo type of person..but that's just me. You really can't beat them for prices though. I worked for Wal-Mart in grad school in the photo lab. They offer benefits and good ones at that. I exercised the stock purchase option which would be a great deal right now with the market down. It really isn't the best place to work but let's be honest here for a minute. The average IQ there isn't very far over "just plain dumb".
What my friend's misfortune has taught me that frugality isn't punishment and "things" don't define you. I sit here looking at my Nordstrom card longingly.....considering whether to buy the girls their annual pair of UGGS this fall. I think about the current GAP sale and wonder what great deals and cute clothes I may be missing. Then I think about the stress that comes with selling the clothes and stain removal. This summer I took a new attitude and shopped mostly at Old Navy and Crazy 8. We still have loads of GAP and some Boden...but the need to sell the clothes to recoup money is gone. Spend less and worry less. It is very liberating and I really hope to continue the trend for fall.
I love my friend and really wish she could move near me. Perhaps she will! I only ask that her DH leaves his family behind! LOL