Saturday, May 16, 2009

Jon and 8 Hate Kate

This is what I would have named the show. I seriously doubt that immature "man" wanted sextuplets. Let's not pretend that Kate had no clue that a large number of babies would result from that pregnancy. She of all people knew what 4+ stimulated follicles could yield yet she went ahead with the IUI anyway. SHE WANTED another set of multiples so stop crying shock about it. That being said, Jon needed to be man enough to step up. They had kids way too early in their relationship. If he knew what she was really like I doubt things would have ended up the way they are now.
She isn't pleasant plain and simple. She is controlling, bossy, and a nag. It is no wonder that all of their "best friends" have since gone to the wayside. They can't take her...that and she no longer has a need for them. Once she is done with someone she casts them aside if you ask me. All the cavalry that charged in has been dismissed because there is only 1 General in this army.
Jon is a baby. He has let Kate walk all over him for years and has been humiliated in front of millions for the sake of $$$ and the fame Kate wants. She is the show for crying out loud and laps up the fame like a puppy.
The kids? Oh they are just unhappy pawns in all of this. She pimps them out. Madelyn is the outright brat who is so desperate for attention and validation I feel like sending her a one way ticket to the Dr Phil show. Cara...well who the hell is she? We know very little except that she is Kate's helper who is living in the shadow of her nutty twin. The sextuplets are super cute but may need to join Maddy with Dr Phil. Kate labeled and categorized them early on and they have little chance of changing how she sees them. They are who she says they are.
Did Jon cheat. Probably, or at least he tried. If the pic of him leaving that girls house in the AM are real then he was caught red-handed and Kate is right-he's mad about getting caught. What did the fool think? The media would overlook it?
I almost feel bad for Kate. No one deserves that and NO she did not drive him to it. She may have driven a wedge between them that created his lack of caring but he made his own choices. In the end I'm not sure who the kids would be better with. Kate will keep them safe and healthy, at least physically. Mentally they may be better off with Jon. He may even let them mix Playdo colors!